The Travel Adventures of Paula and Dick Fenner

The Travel Adventures of Paula and Dick Fenner

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Philadelphia Folk Fest

Following the signs to Folk Fest.

We are the first camper in line. Don't know how we managed that but it was awesome.

People lining up for tickets. We were lucky because we got our tickets online which got us in much quicker.

The Dragon is up and flying

Setting up camp.

Satellite worked great. We had Internet.

This bus arrives at Folk Fest every year. Everyone wonders how it makes it.

The campground is a patchwork of campers and tents. The imagination of attendees is fun to see.

The cats sleep at Folk Fest.

So does Dylan with Duncan keeping him company.

Brian and Domino snooze.

My son Chris celebrates his 30th Birthday during Fest.

Dylan enjoys Goldfish crackers

Sage and Dylan share a snack.

The main stage in the background where the music happens.

Sage being silly as a rabbit.

Many interesting craft vendors.

Some nice scroll work but not cheap. The one at the top was $175.

Chris and Dylan nap together.

We had 7 people sleeping in the Dragon, lots of food and great conversation. And we didn't have to use the Port-o-potties which can get pretty rank at Folk Fest.

We all had a fun time at this years Folk Fest and we all agreed it wasn't one of the better years.
The music acts were a mix . . . some good, some hard to listen to but nothing fantastic.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Summer Fun 2007

I got this wonderful new Professional Embroidery machine which just fits in my tiny mobile studio. Now I have to find lots of great craft shows to sell stuff at. Custom embroidery will travel!

Sage and Dylan find lots of fun times with a roll of toilet paper.

Sage even decides to decorate Grandpa Dick

Dylan has lots of teeth now and quite a vocabulary too.

We all attend a party across the street. Herman and Audrey are great neighbors. It was a Leo Fest to honor all those born under the sign of Leo which includes Herman and Chris. Herman's band was excellent along with the other bands that played. Dylan started dancing and loved the crowd.

Herman is quite a performer and talented musician.

Dylan loved a tie-dyed blanket he found to sit on.

Dylan and Papa share a moment.

Herman gets all the kids up on stage to sing along and of course Dylan dances.

We thought about heading back across the street to our coach but the kids tell us we have to stay for the "fire tube". Since we had no idea what that was we agreed to stay. Here they are setting it up. Constructed out of scrap wood, it stands about 10 feet tall and is placed on top of a the fire which has been burning for some time creating a bed of hot coals.

Within a very short time the fire goes up through the tube and starts to burn out the openings in the top.

The final arm is lit by the creator of the tube "Sparky". Apparently he has built these many times but this was the first one with arms. It worked great. Hard to see in the pictures but there are designs carved in the main trunk. It was truly an awesome spectacle. Be sure to click on the pictures and make them big so you can get a good look.

Sage and friend Katelyn sit on Val's lap to view the fire tube. As you can see by the smiles everyone is enjoying it. Many of the musician's continued to play by the campfire which was fun.

Brian takes a picture with his cell phone.

As it continues to burn it eventually collapses. Here one of the arms falls off.

As the night sky becomes dark I catch two star gazers. (Katelyn and Sage)

A wonderful summer party . . . thanks Herman for including us. The music, food and fun will be remembered for a long time.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pam and Paul's Wedding

My daughter Pam asked me to make a small quilt that she could put on top of the grand piano at the old mansion she was getting married at. It came out pretty good.

July 8, 2007
The minister is ready, the setting is perfect. Beautiful garden decorated for the occasion.

The harpist is playing soft music.

The Bride approaches looking lovely. Pam's gown is gorgeous.

The back of the gown has ribbons and bows.

Ashley looks stunning with her hair all done up.

Megan looks way too grown up in her beautiful gown.

Vows are exchanged.

There's always a kiss.

Pam and Paul Costello. Pam looks happy.

They prepare to great their guests.

Pam and Paul take ballroom dancing lessons so the wedding theme including dancing.

The top of the cake was a couple dancing.

The cake was beautiful.

This is just a small collection of the many pictures I took. My daughter and granddaughters are so beautiful the camera just kept clicking. LOL