The Travel Adventures of Paula and Dick Fenner

The Travel Adventures of Paula and Dick Fenner

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Keuka Lake State Park

Keuka Lake State Park is beautiful. The campsites are spacious and the price is reasonable. We highly recommend it whether you're camping in a tent or motorhome.

We visit our friends Roy and Darla. Darla has chickens that lay colored eggs. How cool is that! She also has beautiful flowers in her garden.

Inta and Mark brought their camper and joined us for a week at Keuka Lake. They have camped here many times and were great tour guides to many Wineries and other sights in the area.

Here they are at Hunt Country Winery. I think Mark needs to shave his legs. LOL

Dick made a friend at the winery.

Letchworth State Park "Grand Canyon of the East" is a sight to see. Here we're looking at Mount Morris Dam built between 1948 and 1952. It is the largest dam of its kind east of the Mississippi River. It controls the flow of the Genesee River.

Inta enjoying the view from a bridge.

Dick, Mark and Inta look over the edge at the view of the gorge.

The Grand Canyon of New York.

Mark and Dick check out the map and firgure out where we are on the trail.

One of the falls.

The gardens by Glen Iris Inn & Lodge which used to be a summer house.

The summer estate with a water falls in the front yard.

Back at the campground we enjoy an evening campfire and share some of the wine we tasted earlier in the day. What a wonderful way to end a day.

The Glen Curtiss Museum in Hammondsport had many interesting things to see. Glenn Curtiss was an inventor with the following to his credit:
  • 87 U. S. patents
  • made first pre-announced public airplane flight
  • Held motorcycle speed record from 1907-1930
  • made first U.S. city-to-city flight in 1910
  • Trained the first woman pilot
  • Developed the first flying boat and recognized as the "Father of Naval Aviation"

He built and raced this 8 cylinder V8 engine motorcycle at a record speed of 136 miles-per-hour.

He joined the Aerial Experiment Association (founded by Alexander Graham Bell) and in 1908 flew the "June Bug" pictured below at Hammondsport in the world's first pre-announced public flight.

Here Dick is checking out an early travel trailer that Curtiss built for a couple in Cooperstown, NY.

I can picture Hannah pulling this beautiful sleigh.

Here is a really cool truck.

We stop at Torrey Ridge Winery and as we are about to taste we notice this hummingbird tasting outside the window.

A trip to Taughannock State Park and a hike rewards us with some beautiful pictures.

Dick sits at a park bench beside this little water fall.

A gnarled tree makes and interesting picture.

A stone bridge crosses the water.

Another shot of the falls.

Dick standing out on a flat rock in the middle of the river bed.

A view up the gorge. We hiked over a mile each way but it was worth it.

The final footbridge before the main falls.

Mark and Inta take a moment to enjoy the view.

Inta and Mark sitting in front of the falls.

Dick reads the information signs in front of the falls.

A picture is worth a thousand words and this falls leaves you speechless.

And of course sunset back at the campground.

From here we're headed to Pennsylvania, to spend some time with family and friends.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Visits with Friends and Family

We arrive at our friends Rick and Bea's house in Gloversville, NY where we will spend a few weeks.
I put my embroidery machine to work doing this beautiful dragon which Rick will use on the website he is working on for me.

We got to see this magnificent Monaco Coach that belongs to our friends Vince and Leslie who will be joining us on the road as Full Timers very soon.

Our Dragon parked at Rick and Bea's. They were very gracious to let us stay there and use their electric. We are lucky to have such good friends.

We are hoping they will join us on the road this fall and Dick helped Rick with some work on their travel trailer.

Bea works election day and gets her picture in the paper. She is wearing the flowered shirt.

And then to relax she rides her trusty horse. LOL Actually she got the horse for her grandson.

Dick visited all his friends in Scotia at the commissary where he used to work. He misses the people but not the job.

Felicia, Dick's daughter comes to see our new home.

Rick and Bea invite all of us to a wonderful cookout in their backyard. Here Bea and her brother, Dennis prepare their plates.

Rick is official grill cook and does a great job on the burgers and dogs. Bea made delicious salads and everyone was well fed.

Dick always enjoys a good meal.

Daughter Rose, and the grand kids, Savannah, Alex and Lenny come see the Dragon.

We didn't get to see Savannah's recital but Rose gave us pictures. Beautiful ballerina!

We get the rare pleasure of going to the boys track meet and here, Lenny throws the disk and breaks his previous record.

Alex showing his running form comes in second.

In this relay, Lenny carries the baton and passes it to Alex who brings it home for the win! We really enjoyed watching them and couldn't be prouder.

Dick took care of several doctor appointments at the VA in Albany. Here he is getting his eye exam. All is well and he is all set until September.

Alex shows us his hat for marching band when we visit Rose and enjoy a delicious lasagna dinner. Not only a great Mom but an excellent cook.

Meanwhile back at the Dragon, Duncan is thinking about taking over the driving.